Postpartum Doula
- Website
- Phone Number 0433447787
- Service Location/Areas
Eastern Suburbs (Melbourne)
Inner Eastern Suburbs (Melbourne)
South Eastern Suburbs (Melbourne)
North Eastern Suburbs (Melbourne)
Welcome, my name is Emma and I am a mother of 3 amazing humans and have spent the last 12 years learning that I am constantly learning. I have loved the journey of motherhood so far, it’s been full of ups and downs, failures and successes. I find the journey into motherhood immensely beautiful, raw and everything in between. For this reason, I choose the career path of Postpartum Support Doula.
I feel we put all the emphasis on the birth, we see it as the main act of motherhood but I believe postpartum is the grand finale of our birth and pregnancy story. This is when we are born as mothers, grow our intuition, build confidence in our own achievements and knowledge.
If a mother can be supported, nurtured and nourished during her postpartum she is granted the opportunity to focus on her recovery and bond with her baby. This time is so sacred, so let me worry about the dirty floors and the load of washing pilling up. I can prepare a meal or two so that’s one less thing to think about or action. My role is to support the mother with practical help, hold space for her emotions, discuss and build her village so she may thrive during this time.
My hope is to create a positive experience for each and every mother that engages my service as a Postpartum Doula.
We were never designed to walk this journey alone.